Mavuluma Adventist Primary Private School is registered with the Ministry of Education, Arts and Culture (Reference Number: 8952) under the Education Act, 2001: (Act No.16 of 2001) as a private school and is situated in the town of Katima Mulilo in Mavuluma Ext 2, Erf No.1505, Dr. Sam Nujoma Drive. Katima Mulilo is in the Northeast of Namibia.
Mavuluma Adventist Primary Private School offers education from Grade R (known as Grade 0) to Grade 7 and follows the curriculum of the National Institute for Educational Development (NIED).
The school works hand in hand with the Katima Mulilo Circuit and Educational Regional office of the Zambezi Region and its teachers are guided by Inspectors, Senior Education Officers, and Regional Educational Director.
The curriculum and programs of the school are supervised by the Adventist Accrediting Association (AAA) with whom it presently carries a one year accreditation status.

Our Vision is to be a school that reflects ever higher standard of excellence, physically, spiritually and mentally.

Our Mission is to impact Namibia through the lives of learners who have been:
Inspired to accept Jesus Christ as their personal Saviour.
Equipped with a balanced modern education.
Challenged to commit their lives to unselfish service wherever they may find themselves

a) To improve the academic quality of all grades that would be reflective of an institution of excellence.
b) To create a budget that would support the provision of quality resources for effective teaching and learning.
c) To provide a positive and safe environment that would contribute to effective conditions of learning.
d) To develop a staff development program that would ensure quality service provision.
e) To develop a strong Spiritual ethos at the school, that will enable each learner to develop a Christian character reflecting the image of our Creator.
f) To incorporate activities which promote the Social, Mental, Spiritual and Physical growth of educators and learners in our extra-mural activities.
g) To strengthen active collaboration amongst the school, parents and church.
h) To conduct quarterly safety inspections at the school to ensure that the school meets the health and safety requirements of the local authorities.

Total Number of Students

Total Number of Staff


Our Student pass rate