Any learner who is willing and able to benefit from the distinct education offered by Mavuluma Adventist Primary Private School will have an equal chance to be admitted to the School and to benefit from all of the school programs. Therefore:
No learner will be denied admission on the basis of his or her race, colour, creed, religious background or any other form of discrimination.
Admission interviews may be conducted in Mathematics and English at the beginning of the year for new learners before being admitted to any grade.


Mavuluma Adventist Primary Private School is a Christian school with English as medium of instruction. Learners must study two languages and may choose Afrikaans or Silozi as a Second Language


The school ethos and daily practices reflect those of the Seventh-day Adventist Church.

Parents and learners must agree to submit to such practices before finalizing their applications

Some of the unique Seventh-day Adventist emphases and practices are:
Prayer meetings and worship is conduct daily in the classes and before school starts.

Vegetarian meals are sold at the tuck-shop.

Mavuluma Adventist Primary Private School is a no-smoking zone for both learners and/or visitors (The drinking of alcoholic beverages are also not allowed)


Mavuluma Adventist Primary Private School is an institution under the leadership of a school principal.
The school is structured in two sections: Junior Primary and Senior Primary and each section operates under the supervision of a senior teacher.

A School Governing Board consisting of elected members from parents, teachers and students as well as appointed members from the Seventh Day Adventist church deals with policy items and matters relating to the overall management of the school.

A list of current School Board members are available on request


Parents are urged to impress upon their children the necessity of strict compliance to the school rules.

• Parents are reminded to monitor their children’s academic performance.

•Parents must feel free to contact their child’s register or subject teacher to discuss their academic progress

• Parents are obliged to ensure that their children are supplied with the necessary uniform, text books and stationery.

•Please ensure that school fees are paid promptly according to the payment plan indicated in the fees section.

          The school undertakes to deliver an education package in line with the spirit and letter of what is described in this brochure. If, for some unforeseen reason it becomes impossible to render a particular service or to add one or more additional services to those that are described herein,The school promises to inform the parents and learners as soon as practically possible through established structures and procedures All teachers, administrative, office and other support staff commit themselves to consistently:
                    Treat learners and parents with dignity, respect and common Christian courtesy.
                    Deal with reasonable requests as speedily as practically possible Communicate the outcome of requests in a professional manner.
A parent or learner who feels aggrieved or unfairly dealt with is invited to first discuss the matter with the relevant person or his/her direct supervisor.
                             If the matter is not resolved satisfactorily within a reasonable time frame it must be taken to the school principal who will investigate or arbitrate as necessary.
                             If the matter is, in the opinion of the parent or learner, still not resolved satisfactorily, a written appeal should be lodged with the principal who will present it to the School Governing Board for a final decision.

Learners should be polite and show respect to fellow learners and adults at all times.

• No rough games are to be played and no obscene language used at all times.

• Learners may not use or display walkmans, radios, cell phones whilst on the school premises.

• Violating the above rule will result in confiscation.

• The following misbehavior will be severely dealt with and will result in immediate suspension or expulsion.

• Refusal to obey a teacher’s lawful command

• Bullying. Fighting and any form of gangster-type behaviour

• Cigarette smoking and drinking of alcohol beverages.

• Possession and using/selling drugs.

• Possession and display of Pornographic material.

• Possession of fire arms, dangerous weapons and poisonous substances.

• Vandalism.

• Immorality which may include any sexual activity – including homosexual or lesbian activities.

• Learners should not leave the school premises without permission.

A girl who is pregnant will not be allowed to register for the current academic year.


Learners should be on school premises by 06:50 am.

School is from 07:00-13:00 and from 14:00-16:00 in exception of Wednesday and Friday (Free days) for Senior Primary and Junior Primary knock off at 12:20 from Monday to Thursday and 11:00 on Friday.

Morning assembly and worship are compulsory for all learners.

Learners must be punctual for assembly and observe silence during worship time.

        Part A
        • Neat and correct uniform must be worn daily to school.
        • Learners should not walk with their hands in their trouser pockets or with caps on in the school premises.
        • Hairstyles with fibre, dreadlocks, and singles that attract undue attention are not allowed. Corn rolls for girls and Brush cut for boys.
        • Sports attire compulsory on sports days.
        • Girls ribbon should match school colours.
        • No jewellery may be worn to school including tongue rings.
        Part B
        • Girls: Navy blue plain Dress; White shirt ; School tie; School Jersey ; School Blazer.
        •Black school shoes with school socks.
        • Boys: Grey trousers; White shirt; School tie; School Jersey; School Blazer.
        • Black school shoes with grey socks. ( No Suede shoes are allowed)
        • School ‘drimacs’ can be worn only on rainy days.
        • Uniform can be order at Mavuluma Adventist Primary Private School.
         Navy Blue trousers only. (To be used during the Second Terms ONLY)
 The school will provide textbooks and when lost the learner will purchase it.
  Parents buy stationery for their learners in accordance with the stationery requirement list.